Make a Donation
Thank you for your support. Together we will turn Kane County RED!
Your donation fuels our Get Out to Vote efforts. There are over 39,000 unreliable Republican voters across Kane County that need our organization's reminders to get out the vote to win critical congressional, state legislative and local races.
Our volunteers work hard to build relationships with these unreliable Republicans - meeting them at their homes, texting them, calling them, sending them postcards and inviting them to events - with the purpose of banking their vote so we can elect good Republicans into office.
If you would like to learn more about our get out to vote efforts, please email Chairman Andro Lerario at [email protected].
If you prefer, you can also mail us a check contribution to 333 N Randall Rd #115, St. Charles, IL 60175 (Please include "Attention: James Cunningham")